Sunday, April 29, 2007

Picture Perfect day and no camera!!!!

Ok Picture this:

Beautiful afternoon and we all decided to go quading for a family day!!Great idea right?

It actually was but what do you do with a two year old on a quad?

Chris decided to get a quad back seat( illegal/not safe) the quad has huge warning signs on it not suitable for passergers. That doesnt' stop him. So he riggs up this seat and riggs it up so Mya's car seat well sit in it. Well Mya is as happy as could be, She loves riding with dad on the quad ..Normally it is just on our yard( we have 2 1/2 acres) but she was going on a huge adventure today. We packed a picinc lunch and told Mya that we were going to the quad park( meaning just trails in the woods). We were on are way and drove for a little with kanaan leading the pack( yes he has his own quad and is a better driver than I'm) Chris and Mya were in the middle and I held up the back end. We drove to a cute little spot with a wood bridge and a creek running under it and had a picinc lunch. Mya asked were the slide was because we were sappose to be going to a quad park so that took some explaining. We actually ended up running in to a group of people we new and visited for a little while and we starting heading back. Than something happened. Mya fell asleep in her car seat setting on the back of Chris's quad while we were in the middle of know where up the mountain. I felt so bad for her. Her head was just bobbing away. We ended up making it down to the truck Mya still asleep loaded up the quads and went all the way home and put Mya in bed and had to wake her up after a hour at home. She was out cold!

Anyways I sure wish I had a camera there would of been some good shots. I hope you got the pictures!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

You Are Basic Panties

You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty.
You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy.
Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it.
And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you.
My unwashed hair is certainly not sexy its called greasy!
I'm pretty laid back but a natural beauty I don't think so.
Do you ever have those days that there is a million things to do like clean the house because there are still dishes from two days ago one the counter, the toilets haven't been cleaned in a week and everyone has been walking in the house with their shoes on after you just mowed the lawn and there is now grass everywhere. Have you ever had those days when you could sleep in and your daughter decides to come in your bed at midnight and keep you up all night and than decides at 6am to pee in your bed on your feather down duvet and feather bed and you just really don't want to deal with it

Anyways that has been my day today!!!!!!!
Maybe tomorrow might be more motivating?


Amazing what you can find on the net!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What Denise Means

D is for Dignified

E is for Ebullient

N is for Nervy

I is for Intense

S is for Spunky

E is for Emotional
I found this off of someone's elses website and thought it was cool. Try it yourself!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ok, So this computer thing is not for me!!!!!!!

It took me all day long to log into my blog. I couldn't remember for the life of me what my username and password were. Anyways it is all fixed and hopefully with a little bit of luck I well be able to figure out how to add pictures.

I just wanted to address the name "Bernice" It was a name given to me by Dan(Huebe)( Chris's Cousin) as I call him and it has just kind of stuck. ( it is better than "tank" that is what he called me when I was prego.)

Do I know what I'm doing?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Well I figure that I better get with the program and join in on the blogging.
I love reading other peoples bloggs and hopefully someone well like reading mine. I'm getting so far away from the technology side of things that I thought I better start with this and I also purchased a cell phone with a camera phone/mp3 player that I have no idea how to use. So those are the two things that I'm currently working on to get caught out with Techno.

Let me begin with;
Spelling mistakes come naturally with me so don't be surprised to see many, many , many of them. The ones that know me well are more than likely laughing at me already. I just thought I would put that out there so I don't start receiving thousands of emails stating the obivous.

Be patient with me, once I get the hang of this I well kept blogging but that is all for now.

bernice( yes it kind of stuck with me)

My Mother's favorite saying: Now Mine Also!!!!!!

I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect, for I shall not pass this way again.

About Me

Originally a prairie girl ( Winnipeg,MB), married in 2001 to Chrispian( yes that is actually his real name) and moved to Landmark,MB. We had a our first child Kanaan in 2002 and moved to Peachland, BC in 2003 and than had a our second child in 2005 and we are working on possible moving on to our fourth home in seven years.