Thursday, April 2, 2009

So I decided once again that I was going to eliminate coffee from my diet.
I was determined!
Day one rolls around and I wake up and make myself and nice cup of vanilla rooibos Tea! YUM! No problem made it through the day. Chris comes home from work and throws a brown leather travel mug at me and says "here" the week before I asked him while at Petro (his morning coffee stop) "Why don't you ever buy a travel mug it comes with 3 free refills which basically covers the cost of the mug." his reply "cause" So I guess I got him thinking and so he picked me up a travel mug with 3 free refills. Great now I'm on a no coffeeine kick and he gives me 3 free refills.

So anyways I go to bed for the night and can't sleep because the headaches are kicking in already. I wake up with a massive headache and enjoy my vanilla rooibos tea. no problem.

I'm on my way for the day and I have a lunch date with a couple of girlfriends and I just don't want to ruin it with my headache so I decide to grab a cup of coffee on my way to pick up some flyer's for Chris. Headache disappears.


So I picked up these flyer's and the lady was so grateful that we are going to hand them out for her at the "Business 2 Consumer Expo" this weekend that she gives me a $50 Starbucks gift card. Fabulous yes, but not good for my no coffeince diet(yes I know I can geta tea).

So day three comes along and I take Mya to Tim Horton's for lunch and can't resist a coffee since I had already had one the day before, guess what I won a FREE COFFEE.

I take this all as a sign that now isn't the time to quit caffeine.

Maybe when my free coffee's disappear I will try again!

My Mother's favorite saying: Now Mine Also!!!!!!

I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect, for I shall not pass this way again.

About Me

Originally a prairie girl ( Winnipeg,MB), married in 2001 to Chrispian( yes that is actually his real name) and moved to Landmark,MB. We had a our first child Kanaan in 2002 and moved to Peachland, BC in 2003 and than had a our second child in 2005 and we are working on possible moving on to our fourth home in seven years.