I'm Appreciated!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Westside Curb Appeal has Incorporated and I have been given my own business cards!
I guess I'm appreciated!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I know that everyone has been talking about Haiti and the devastation that has gone on there! It hurts my heart when I actually take a moment and let it sink in what has happened!
It brings me back to when we experienced our devasting Fires here in the Okanagan! We had amazing firefighters, brave police offers and amazing citizens that helped emotionaly, physically and monitary!
Haiti does not have this! Everything well almost everything has been destroyed! They didn't have very much to begin with and their expectations are no where near ours, but they still don't have anything! No food, clean water or roofs over there head!

I always feel that I want to reach out and help where I can but I never trust the organization that are gathering the money! I want 100% of my money to go to the victums! There has been so much great support from all over the world for Haiti!

If you feel a tug at your heart and want to donate but feel the same way I do than please visit this blog to hear true stories from a Canadian that calls Haiti home now! Her stories are so priceless and just breaks my heart!

Karen who runs Hats for Haiti happens to be the mother to Dana Kayal who is My upline for Epicure here in West Kelowna ,BC.
There is information on this blog to make a one time donation or to request to support a child through monthly payments!
I have been told that once the dust settles there well be a lot of children that have been left behind and well be place in this orphange!

Please click on her blog and hear her passion and truth!


My Mother's favorite saying: Now Mine Also!!!!!!

I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect, for I shall not pass this way again.

About Me

Originally a prairie girl ( Winnipeg,MB), married in 2001 to Chrispian( yes that is actually his real name) and moved to Landmark,MB. We had a our first child Kanaan in 2002 and moved to Peachland, BC in 2003 and than had a our second child in 2005 and we are working on possible moving on to our fourth home in seven years.